Design decisions ================ Compared to "giants" -------------------- There have been several "giants" in web framework world. While Plastic inherited from those frameworks, there are key differences between Plastic and those frameworks. Compared to Django_ ''''''''''''''''''' Explicit application instance Plastic applications have to be a subclass of :class:`` and can these make multiple instances of them. This means each application instance's contexts and states are totally isolated from each other even in the same process. It makes applications easy to test. No monolithic configuration Because of *explicit application instance*, each application instance has its own different configuration. So applications can be isolated from the environment. For example, you can make each configuration file for development, testing and production environments, and load the suitable configuration. Persistence agnostic The one of main features Django provides is ORM. However, persistent objects can vary in production. You may want to use SQLAlchemy_ which is more powerful than Django ORM. There are some enthusiasts of ZODB_ as well. It's the age of NoSQL. You may want to use Redis_ through Sider_ or MongoDB_ using MongoAlchemy_. Moreover, some applications don't have persist model objects *at all*. Some applications are more about *computations* than *data*. Plastic is persistence agnostic and you can freely choose what you want to use for persistence. Routing by decorators Django's URL router requires the table to be assembled in :file:``:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', 'myapp.home'), url(r'^people$', 'myapp.people'), url(r'^people/(?P\d+)$', 'myapp.person') ) Plastic uses decorators to route URL patterns to view functions:: @App.route('/') def home(request): return '...' @App.route('/people') def people(request): return '...' @App.route('/people/') def person(request, person_id): return '...' You do not need switch between two or more files (:file:`` and :file:``) to map URL patterns to view functions. Moreover, Plastic uses Werkzeug's routing system, so you have not to use regular expressions that are hard to read and not so suitable for URL patterns to route and can use Werkzeug's small URL pattern language that are easy to extend instead. (Compare ``r'^people/(?P\d+)$'`` to ``'/people/'`` in the above examples. :-) .. _Django: .. _SQLAlchemy: .. _ZODB: .. _Redis: .. _Sider: .. _MongoDB: .. _MongoAlchemy: Compared to Flask_ '''''''''''''''''' Factory by default Flask suggests `application factory pattern`__ for larger applications, however it's not by default. :: app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def home(): return 'hello' if __name__ == '__main__': app.config['FOO'] = 'bar' my_superfast_wsgi_server(app) The basic usage of Plastic :class:`` is subclassing. Routings and registering some hooks are done before application factory gets instantiated, and when it's instantiated configuration are applied to each instance. :: App = BaseApp.clone() @App.route('/') def home(request): return 'hello' if __name__ == '__main__': app = App(config={'FOO': 'bar'}) my_superfast_wsgi_server(app) You'll get factories in Plastic by default. __ No context locals An interesting feature of Flask is the `context locals`__. According to its design document, Flask chose context locals instead of explicit argument passing to make it quick and easy to write a traditional web application. Technically it's similar to PHP's superglobals__ except PHP's contexts are completely isolated from each other while Flask's context isolation sometimes gets broken. If Python had `dynamic scoping`__ like Common Lisp or Perl, context locals don't get so broken. Context locals are user-land implementation of dynamic scoping in programming languages that have no dynamic scoping. It's somewhat like magic, and magic isn't suitable for Python. :-( Like Django and unlike Flask, Plastic takes the request argument as the first parameter for every view function. Everything is explicit. No magic. If you look for :data:`flask.g`, use :attr:`Request.context ` attribute which is kept during each request context. :data:`flask.current_app` becomes :attr:` `. __ __ __ .. _Flask: